Greet 2014
Documentation for the GREET 2014 API
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Package Greet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces


class  APlugin
 Abstact class to implement in order to be loaded in GREET as a plugin More...
class  Enumerators
 Enumerators used across the plugin interfaces More...
interface  IAMode
 Mode type for a transportation process, defines EIs, transported resources and payloads if applicable More...
interface  ICdMode
 Specifics for the CD mode More...
interface  ICsMode
 Specifics for the CS mode More...
interface  IData
 Contains the database necessary to perform calculations More...
interface  IDataHelper
 Class used to manipulate the data without having to worry about too many details and dependencies More...
interface  IDependable
interface  IDependentItem
 An idependent item represents the chain of dependency between entities in GREET for instance, a Pathway depends on the Process within that pathway. More...
interface  IEdge
 A edge represents a connection between two vertices inputs and outputs in a pahtway More...
interface  IEmissionsFactors
 A set of emission factors More...
interface  IEvaporatedGas
 Represents a gas beeing vented when a resource is exposed to the athmosphere More...
interface  IGas
 A gas as represented in GREET More...
interface  IGDataDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 An interface wrapper around a mutable dictionary to expose common methods such as CreateValue, DeleteValue, AllValues More...
interface  IGroup
interface  IInput
 Input of a process More...
interface  IInputResourceReference
 Defines a reference to an input source, if a process has an input coming from a pathway this will represents a reference to this pathway More...
interface  IInputTable
 An input table containing various cells and possibly formulas within these cells More...
interface  IIO
 Input of a process More...
interface  ILocation
 Class that represents a location for a transportation process More...
interface  IMix
 A mix defines fuel production entities and shares for them More...
interface  IModeFuelShare
 Fuel share to be used by a mode for a defined transportation step More...
interface  IMonitor
 An interface for the monitored results in GREET More...
interface  IParameter
 Class that represents a value and unit More...
interface  IPathway
interface  IPicture
 Image that is stored in GREET More...
interface  IProcess
interface  IProcessReference
 A reference to the definition of a process as used in a pathway More...
interface  IProductionItem
 A production item can represent a patway or a mix It contains an Id and a type that allows the user to know if we are referencing a pathway or a mix More...
interface  IProject
 Object representing the collection of entities of a loaded project More...
interface  IResource
 The resource object contains the physical property and the name of a resource More...
interface  IResults
 Set of results for a pathway or process or vehicle More...
interface  ISequestration
 Sequestration object that might be used with an input More...
interface  ISimulationRun
interface  IStationaryProcess
 Definition of a transportation process: a list of steps and edges between them More...
interface  ITechnology
 A technology that contains emission factors for a given resource used More...
interface  ITransportationProcess
 Definition of a transportation process: a list of steps and edges between them More...
interface  ITransportationStep
 Definition of a transportation step, contains a reference to the mode used and parameters for that step More...
interface  IValue
 A value and the unit associated with it More...
interface  IVehicle
 Representation of a vehicle in GREET More...
interface  IVehicleEmissions
 Emissions associated to a vehicle More...
interface  IVehicleMode
 An operating mode for a vehicle, usually can be CD or CS mode More...
interface  IVertex
 Represents a vertex in a pathway, may be holding a reference to a process, a pathway or a mix More...
interface  IXmlObj
interface  IYearEmissionFactors
 Emission factors given a simulation year More...