Greet 2014
Documentation for the GREET 2014 API
This is the complete list of members for Greet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience, including all inherited members.
Clone< T >(T RealObject) | Greet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience | static |
ConvertFromGREETTimestamp(int timestamp) | Greet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience | static |
ConvertToGREETTimestamp(DateTime date) | Greet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience | static |
ConvertToGREETTimestampMillisecond(DateTime date) | Greet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience | static |
CreateAttr(this XmlDocument xmlDoc, string name, object value, string | Greet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience | static |
CreateNode(this XmlDocument xmlDoc, string name, params XmlNode[] children) | Greet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience | static |
NotNullNOrEmpty(this XmlAttribute attr) | Greet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience | static |
ToStringFull(this double value) | Greet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience | static |